Hand Wrist Elbow

Hand Wrist Elbow

PK14 - Epicondylitis band

Adjustable band, equipped with epicondyle pressor and control strap.

Therapeutic indications: For all epicondyle pathologies.

Available sizes: Universal ambidextrous.

    PK12 - Elbow brace for epicondylitis

    Elbow brace whit adjustment at biceps.
    Equipped with epicondyle pad and elbow strap, both adjustable that can be placed as on likes.

    Therapeutic indications: In case of tendomypathies and in prevention to sport activity.

    Available sizes - Ø forearm (cm): Ambidextrous. S 18-21 / M 21-24 / L 24-28 / XL 28-33 / XXL +33.

      PK11 - Simple elbow brace

      Elbow brace whit adjustment at biceps.

      Therapeutic indications: Light arthrosic pathologies and post-traumatic period. Prevention to sport activity.

      Available sizes - Ø forearm (cm): Ambidextrous. S 18-21 / M 21-24 / L 24-28 / XL 28-33 / XXL +33.

        PK09 - Wrist brace 1st ray total control

        Multiadjustable wrist brace whit thumb grip, wrist strap and first ray adjustable. Equipped with PE moldable plate and PE insert for thumb and forefinger.

        Therapeutic indications: Post-surgical period of carpal tunnel and subluxations of 1st ray.

        Available sizes - Ø wrist (cm): Ambidextrous. S 13-15 / M 15-19 / L +19.

          PK08 - Volar wrist brace 1st ray control

          Multiadjustable wrist brace, equipped with repositionable and immobilizing pre-shaped aluminum splint whit PE moldable plate for 1st ray and PE insert between thumb and forefinger.
          (Splint lenght 22cm).

          Therapeutic indications: Post-operative period of carpal tunnel and to control wrist movement.

          Available sizes - Ø wrist (cm): Ambidextrous. S 13-15 / M 15-19 / L 19-23 XL +23.

            PK07 - Long immobilizing volar wrist brace

            Multiadjustable wrist brace, equipped with repositionable and immobilizing pre-shaped aluminum splint whit double adjustable wrist strap for a total control.
            (Splint lenght 22cm).

            Therapeutic indications: Post-operative recovery and for wrist mobility control.

            Available sizes - Ø wrist (cm): Ambidextrous. S 13-15 / M 15-19 / L 19-23 XL +23.

              PK06 - Immobilizing volar wrist brace

              Multiadjustable wrist brace, equipped with repositionable and immobilizing pre-shaped aluminum splint and adjustable wrist strap for a total control.
              (Splint lenght 16cm).

              Therapeutic indications: Post-operative recovery and for wrist mobility control.

              Available sizes - Ø wrist (cm): Ambidextrous. S 13-15 / M 15-19 / L 19-23 XL +23.

                PK05 - Long wrist brace 1st ray

                Wrist brace with thumb grip, multiadjustable fastening, wrist strap and first ray adjustable. Equipped with moldable PE splint for thumb.

                Therapeutic indications: Post-surgical period of carpal tunnel and subluxaction of the 1st ray.

                Available sizes: Universal ambidextrous.

                  PK04 - Wrist brace 1st ray

                  Wrist brace with thumb grip, multiadjustable fastening, wrist strap and first ray adjustable. Equipped with moldable PE splint for thumb.

                  Therapeutic indications: Post-surgical period of carpal tunnel and subluxaction of the 1st ray.

                  Available sizes - Ø wrist (cm): Ambidextrous. S 13-15 / M 15-19 / L +19.

                    PK03 - Wrist brace with thumb hold

                    Wrist brace with thumb hold and multiadjustable fastening. Equipped with thumb strap adjustable.

                    Therapeutic indications: Tendinopaties and light subluxation.

                    Available sizes: Universal ambidextrous.

                      PK02 Simple wrist brace

                      Multiadjustable simple wrist brace.

                      Therapeutic indications: Ligth traumatisms.

                      Available sizes: Universal ambidextrous.

                        PK01 Adjustable wrist brace

                        Multiadjustable simple wrist brace.

                        Therapeutic indications: Ligth traumatisms.

                        Available sizes: Universal ambidextrous.